About Me - Piyush Dungrani (Admin @ Blogger How To Tips)

Bloggerhowtotips.blogspot.com" is solely and exclusively authored by Piyush Dungrani, a 23 year old QA Engineer and tech enthusiast from Ahmedabad (Gujarat-India), who always wants to explore and share interesting tips, tricks, blogger hacks, blogspot, SEO, webmaster guides, google adsense and Web 2.0 tips.
piyush dungrani
I am enjoying the beautiful journey of web blogging, and using blogger from past 4 years. "bloggerhowtotips.blogspot.com" now strives to provide the best blogspot tips and best blogger templates to all blogspot lovers. To write and share blogger how to tutorials and blogger hacks with blogspot users is the moto behind the creation of "bloggerhowtotips.blogspot.com"

What triggered Me to start blogging.

I was quite busy for last 2 years, I couldn’t even think about anything other than my working and job. For last 6 months i have start thinking about what can be done on my spare time. So obviously I thought about doing something related to my all time favorite which is Internet, SEO, and Blogging. So It was easy to choose my niche and decided to start my blog which would help me in refreshing the knowledge with I accrued in the past , keep them updated all the time , add more friends to my network.

What are the advantages i gained with the blogging , in my personal life.

As I mentioned earlier It helped me to keep myself updated , make new friends, sharpen by SEO skills and I also got a bad test for my SEO experiments.

To be very clear , I don’t think there is any shortcut for driving traffic , we have to blog regularly and do all SEO and wait for the traffic.

Other than blogging , what are my other interests ?

I love to play cricket, pool, table tennis, watching hollywood movies, blogging, music, browse, implementing new ideas.

Why i have chosen blogging platform as blogspot instead of wordpress.

- First of all blogspot is a free blogging platform and I want to start one blog only for blogspot users, users who are using blogspot as a blogging platform, when i was a novice blogger, i have faced so many difficulties while using blogger and i have decided to start bloggerhowtotips using blogspot itself.

piyush dungrani

What are my current targets?

1) To become a top contributor in blogger help section.
2) Want to see this blog in blog of note section in blogger.
3) To get 1000+ RSS Feed subscriber :)

Last question, Who inspired me to start blogging.

Here I should mention only one name and i m truly saying..”My Self“.
I love to solve the problem of my friends and fellows and of course my blog readers.

Also if u want to become author and want to contribute in journey of bloggerhowtotips then mail me at Geek Blogger Sign and start posting blogspot tips, you will get ex-poser with your photo displayed on each post submitted by you.

Thanks & Regards,

Piyush Dungrani (Admin @ bloggerhowtotips.blogspot.com)

8 Responses to "About Me - Piyush Dungrani (Admin @ Blogger How To Tips)" - Leave a response

  1. Rahmah October 13, 2010 at 8:06 AM
    hi, how do i post the 'like' button in fb to my blog. ive pasted the code to my blog but am not sure whether i pasted it in the right place. tx
  2. Piyush - Admin @ Blogger How To Tips October 14, 2010 at 2:17 AM
    @rahmah, to put facebook like button on your blog just go to edit html and look for <data:post.body/> and immediately after that place this code :

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><div><iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp;action=like&amp;font=verdana&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:400px; height:27px;'/></div></b:if>

    If you want to display facebook like button everywhere remove <b:if line(both start and end tag of if). Done :)
  3. Annamalai October 18, 2010 at 7:06 PM
    When should i submit my blog for googles adsense ?? btw i started my blog 1 week back and am having good response from audience of US and India. How should i seo my blog and get good traffic??
    visit my blog and help me dude http://2impressagirl.blogspot.com/
  4. Piyush - Admin @ Blogger How To Tips October 18, 2010 at 10:55 PM
    @Annamalai, nice startup and regarding when you should apply for adsense. I think you should wait for 6 months and have a look at this page of Google - https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?answer=75109, so generate more and more traffic, do seo and then after success of your blog, you can apply :)
  5. Piyush - Admin @ Blogger How To Tips January 15, 2011 at 7:35 PM
    @Vijay, I have modified this template according to my needs, would it be feasible for your blog niche???
  6. Anonymous February 7, 2011 at 6:17 AM
    H, I am very new to the blogging community. Have been following blogs for 2 or 3 years, and just started my own a month ago. I have a problem and was wondering how much do you charge for your services?
  7. Vijay Choudhary February 22, 2011 at 7:57 PM
    Admin...Ya..Plz..Send Me Ur Blog Theme HTML>> vijayc1995@gmail.com


    Waitng For Reply!

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