Another Best Social Bookmarking Widget To Add in Blogger

Today i am going to add on more social bookmarking widget in our blogger widgets tally. In the series of Best Social Bookmarking Widget for Blogger, lets add one more fascinating social bookmarking widget which will change look and feel of your blog.

Best Social Bookmarking Widget To Add in Blogger

To Add this widget in your blog you need to add only 3 things and that are HTML, CSS and jQuery. You need to simply hover over the social media icons too see the beautiful effect of the widget which uses jQuery for the animation.

Use Free Online Mobile Emulator to Preview your Blog

Here is a list of free Online Mobile Emulators you can use to Preview your website or blogger blogs online. After getting the comment from vorobushek on How to Make Blogger Blogs Mobile Phone Compatible asking about "Is there any way to preview how the blog will look
in a mobile device?".

Use Free Online Mobile Emulator to Preview your Blog
I thought yes i know the answer and i have started writing this post which will guide you how you can preview your blog posts online by using some online mobile emulators. Using Free Mobile Emulator you can use to view mobile websites, An Online Mobile Phone Emulators like Opera Mini mobile phone emulator, dlade emulator and mtld emulators will work for us. Lets see the list of the online mobile phone emulators and test the blog, whether its working or not.

Add Slider Notification Widget in Blogger - SlideNote

SlideNote is a jQuery Plugin to Display Sliding Notifications in your blogger blogs and websites etc. Displaying sliding notification Notes as a Widget on your blog is a great way to showcase the stuff which you think your readers should notice. You might have noticed that many popular blogs are having that kind of sliding notifications area visible as you scroll the page towards the bottom of the page, and it goes invisible when you are at the top of the page.

Add Slider Notification in Blogger using SlideNote
SlideNote is a customizable, flexible jQuery plugin that makes it easy to display sliding notifications on your website or in your web application. SlideNote is compatible with jQuery 1.4.3 and current versions of major browsers. IE8 is the only version of Internet Explorer that is officially supported. I have tried to make it available for blogger users as a gadget, lets move ahead and see how we can add this wonderful widget in your blog.

Google Adsense Requirements to Approve an Adsense Account

To get into Google AdSense is a very tough job for the newbies who desperately want to Approve their Google Adsense account. If you are one of them, you also might be searching for how to approve Google Adsense account. But prior to applying for the Adsense account you should know some Google AdSense Requirements so that you can target those areas and increase the chances of Approving your account.

Google Adsense Requirements to Approve

First of all you must have a full launched website (older then 6 months if you are from India or china), and I recommend you to add as many pages as you can and generate huge traffic to maximize your income. Read following guidelines and make your self aware of Google AdSense Requirements and Policies.

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